Betterton–Kroll process - Unionpedia, the concept map

Betterton–Kroll process and Industrial processes · See more » Jesse Oatman Betterton. Jesse Oatman Betterton (1884-1960) was an metallurgist. New!!: Betterton–Kroll process and Jesse Oatman Betterton · See more » Lead. Lead is a chemical element with symbol Pb (from the Latin plumbum) and atomic number 82. New!!:


Betterton-Krollプロセスは、およびビスマスのにカルシウムまたはマグネシウムをすることによって、からビスマスをする。 じたカルシウムまたはマグネシウムのビスマスは、よりく、ドロス()としてにきがってすることがで …

Proceso Betterton – Kroll - Betterton–Kroll process

El proceso Betterton-Kroll es un proceso industrial para eliminar el bismuto del plomo. El proceso fue desarrollado por William Justin Kroll y patentado en 1922. Jesse Oatman Betterton desarrolló otras mejoras en la década de 1930.. Se añaden calcio y magnesio a un baño de plomo-bismuto fundido. Los compuestos de bismuto resultantes tienen puntos de fusión más altos y …

Betterton–Kroll process

The Betterton–Kroll process is an industrial process for removing bismuth from lead. Bismuth travels in crude lead bullion (which can contain up to 10% bismuth) through several stages of refining, until it is removed by the Kroll-Betterton process which separates the impurities as slag, or the electrolytic Betts process.

Betterton-Kroll process

Betterton-Kroll process. Betterton-Kroll process. metallurgy method widely used for removing bismuth from lead by adding calcium and magnesium to a molten lead-bismuth bath. Compounds are formed with bismuth that have higher melting points and lower densities than lead and thus can be separated as a solid dross. Bismuth may then be recovered ...

Chemistry:Betterton–Kroll process - HandWiki

The Betterton–Kroll process is an industrial process for removing bismuth from lead. The process was developed by William Justin Kroll and patented in 1922. Further improvements were developed by Jesse Oatman Betterton in the 1930s. Calcium and magnesium are added to a molten lead-bismuth bath.

Betterton-Kroll 프로세스 - 요다위키

Betterton-Kroll Process는 납 불순물(아직도 상당량의 불순물을 함유하고 있는 납)에서 납을 정제하기 위한 파이로메탈리아 공정이다. 1922년 윌리엄 저스틴 크롤이 개발한 베터튼-크롤 공정은 재래식 납 제련에서 마지막 단계 중 하나이다. 납, 구리, …

Betterton-Kroll-Prozess - Betterton–Kroll process

Das Betterton-Kroll-Verfahren ist ein industrielles Verfahren zur Entfernung von Bismut aus Blei. Das Verfahren wurde von William Justin Kroll entwickelt und 1922 patentiert. Weitere Verbesserungen wurden in den 1930er Jahren von Jesse Oatman Betterton entwickelt .. Calcium und Magnesium werden einem geschmolzenen Blei-Wismut-Bad zugesetzt. Die …

Betterton-Kroll Process | Technology Trends

The Betterton-Kroll process is an industrial process for removing bismuth from lead. The process was developed by William Justin Kroll and patented in 1922. Further improvements were developed by Jesse Oatman Betterton in the 1930s. Calcium and magnesium are added to a molten lead-bismuth bath. The resulting bismuth compounds have higher ...

Betterton–Kroll process - Infogalactic: the planetary …

The Betterton–Kroll process is an industrial process for removing bismuth from lead. The process was developed by William Justin Kroll and patented in 1922. Further improvements were developed by Jesse Oatman Betterton in the 1930s.. Calcium and magnesium are added to a molten lead-bismuth bath. The resulting bismuth compounds have higher melting points and …

Betterton-Kroll-proces - Betterton–Kroll process

Het Betterton-Kroll-proces is een industrieel proces voor het verwijderen van bismut uit lood. Het proces is ontwikkeld door William Justin Kroll en gepatenteerd in 1922. Verdere verbeteringen werden in de jaren dertig ontwikkeld door Jesse Oatman Betterton.. Calcium en magnesium worden toegevoegd aan een gesmolten lood-bismutbad. De resulterende bismutverbindingen …

Processus Betterton-Kroll - Betterton–Kroll process

Le procédé Betterton-Kroll est un procédé industriel pour éliminer le bismuth du plomb. Le processus a été développé par William Justin Kroll et breveté en 1922. D'autres améliorations ont été développées par Jesse Oatman Betterton dans les années 1930. Du calcium et du magnésium sont ajoutés à un bain de plomb-bismuth en fusion.

Analysis of the Betterton-Kroll process: the removal of …

The theoretical minimum masses of calcium and magnesium required for treatment of the 2037 tonnes of bullion processed to achieve the noted removal of bismuth are, from equations (8) and (9) with r = 0.618, 1501 kg and 3516 kg respectively. The masses of calcium and magnesium used (in the elemental form or as the alloy) were 2446 kg and 5323 kg ...

Betterton-Kroll_process - chemeurope

Calcium and magnesium are added to a molten lead-bismuth bath, the resulting bismuth compounds have higher melting points and lower densities than the lead, and can be removed as dross. The compounds are treated with chlorine to free up the bismuth. Temperature used in the process is about 380-500°C.

B. Generalized Proc ess Description - US EPA

presents the flow diagram for the process used to ref ine the bismuth-lead alloy produced during either the Betterton-Kroll or the Betts Electro lytic Process. 2. Generalized Process Flow Diagram Betterton-Kroll Pro cess As shown in Exhibit 2, the Betterton-Kroll process is based on the formation of high-melting compounds such as Ca 2 Bi 2 and Mg 3

Betts electrolytic process and Related Topics

Bismuth. Chemical element with the symbol Bi and atomic number 83. Bismuth travels in crude lead bullion (which can contain up to 10% bismuth) through several stages of refining, until it is removed by the Kroll-Betterton process which separates the impurities as …

Meaning of 'betterton-kroll process' in English

Meaning of word betterton-kroll process in English - Vietnamese Dictionary @Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật @Lĩnh vực: hóa học & vật liệu -quy trình Betterton-Kroll Below are sample sentences containing the word "betterton-kroll process" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

Kroll process | это... Что такое Kroll process?

Смотреть что такое "Kroll process" в других словарях: Kroll process — The Kroll process is a pyrometallurgical industrial process used to produce metallic titanium. It was invented in 1940 by William J. Kroll in Luxembourg. After moving to the United States, Kroll further developed the method in 1945 for the ...