Abandoned gold claims

Abandoned Mining Claims are Great Places to Find Gold . Mining claims serve a very important purpose to gold miners. Once you've file a claim on a particular piece of land, the miner has the sole mineral rights to that land as long as the claim remains valid. The general public can still camp, fish, hunt, and do other activities on an active.

Gold Mining Claims for the individual or corporate gold …

The State of Alaska not only one of a few states that treats a small business LLC as a SECURITY, Alaska's poor imitation of the US Mining Law of 1872, also favors in Sec. 38.05.190 of the mining rights under AS 38.05.185 - 38.05.275 may be acquired or held by: (3) Persons at least 18 years of age who have declared their intention to become ...

Claims for Sale - Idaho Gold Mining

Idaho Gold Mining treats all of the mining claims on a first come, first serve basis, as we recognize the yield potential of the precious minerals, historic value, as well as the experience, knowledge and expertise that miners possess for those …

Claims - Gold Rush Mining Claim Services

The Greenhorn Falls #1 & #2 (CAMC 286435) is located in 16N10E MDM, section 18 on Greenhorn Creek, just outside of Nevada City. This sale includes 2 mining claims sold as one- so you are getting 2-40 acre claims as an 80 acre mining claim unit because they have some of the best gold mining targets in the Upper Greenhorn Creek area.

Mining Claims | Bureau of Land Management

Mining claims are staked for locatable minerals on public domain lands. Locatable minerals include both metallic minerals (gold, silver, lead, etc.) and nonmetallic minerals (fluorspar, asbestos, mica, etc.). It is nearly impossible to list all locatable minerals because of the complex legal requirements for discovery. Types of Claims


Features placer mining properties for sale in Northern California. Descriptions of patented and unpatented mining claims, what they are, and how to stake a placer mining claim. Examples with images of the different mining methods in placer operations and where to look for gold in a stream.

Gold Mining Claim for sale | eBay

The gold mining claims we offer for sale are guaranteed to contain paying quantities of gold. They have never been worked over by any clubs or worked in excess by any modern mining methods. They have never been mined by us beyond routine sampling and assessment work, always ensuring intact, uncompromised values.

» Gold Claim Maps

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Matthias Ludwig - The Mining Claim

PROLINE - KEENE - ROYAL - JOBE - ESTWING - GARRETT - SONA - TRINITY BOWL - PIONEER. Bitte beachten Sie die angegebenen Lieferzeiten für unsere Artikel, insbesondere Dredges und Highbanker. Für Fragen zu den Geräten, zur Kaufabwicklung und zur Lieferzeit, nehmen Sie bitte mit uns Kontakt auf: Telefon: 02941 / 245 457 E-Mail: [email protected].


The gold mining claims we offer for sale are guaranteed to contain paying quantities of gold. They have never been worked over by any clubs or worked in excess by any modern mining methods. They have never been mined by us beyond routine sampling and assessment work, always ensuring intact, uncompromised values.

Idaho Gold Mining Claim for Sale: Nugget Junction 2 …

This 20-acre unpatented placer mining claim is for the knowledgeable miner who knows that the most overlooked areas on most any claim are the side hills, benches and gravels now out of the water, outcroppings, ancient water ways and the like are most often where much more gold can usually be found.

What You Should Know About Mining Claims — How to …

A mining claim gives the holder the right to mine on federal land, bringing a whole new wave of gold prospectors seeking the ultimate treasure. Many don't realize that the laws from the 1850s Gold Rush haven't changed all that much; they still permit and allow for the staking of a gold mining claim on government lands! Regulations.

Mines, Mineral Properties and Mining Claims For Sale

6 Gold Claims For Sale on Scribner Creek. Scribner creek has easy access, proven gold, and is well suited for mining. There are 6 cl …. Featured. Gold. Canada, Yukon. Boundary Red Mountain Mine. Patented Gold Mine For Sale - USA. Previously Producing Patented Gold Mine for Sale in the USA. $1.6 Billion Estimated & Infe ….

Mining Claims 101 explained by Gold Rush Mining Services

The only way to find the exact footprint of a mining claim is to contact the BLM or the County Recorder's Office the claim is located within and to pull the original paperwork. As of the fall of 2021, the BLM has a little problem with their database in that apparently a glitch happened where perhaps thousands of currently active claims had ...

What is a Mining claim? | Mining Frequently Asked …

A mining claim is a parcel of land for which the claimant has asserted a right of possession and the right to develop and extract a discovered, valuable, mineral deposit. This right does not include exclusive surface rights (see Public Law 84-167). There are three basic types of minerals on federally-administered lands: locatable, leasable, and ...

Gold Mining Claim for sale | eBay

Most gold mining claims for sale are unpatented, meaning they're located on public land like Forest Service and BLM property, and therefore are open to anyone who wants to be there for recreation purposes, including hikers, campers, fishers, and hunters. Patented claims give you more privacy and autonomy over mining the land, although neither ...

California Claims For Sale – American Mining Claims LLC

Plumas County, CA. Rich placer claim directly downstream from rich hydraulic mines and ancient river channels. Direct access with privacy but not far from town and recreational areas. Great opportunity to get gold with many different mining methods from metal detecting to highbanking. A very rare claim and probably one of the richest we've had.

Mining Claims – Nevada

A mining claim is a parcel of land for which the claimant has asserted a right of possession and the right to develop and extract a discovered, valuable, mineral deposit. This right does not include exclusive surface rights (see Public Law 84-167). There are three basic types of minerals on federally-administered lands: locatable, leasable, and ...

Patented Mining Claim for Sale

Courbet Group (SOLD) Patented Mining Claims. This Claim has the highest peak on Gold Mountain at 8144ft It is the location of the USLM . Mineral Survey Map: 252301a. Mineral Survey Map: 350801a. ... Mines in the Gold Mountain …

What is a gold claim – American Mining Rights Association

Staking Claims For Gold & Other Valuable Minerals Properties that are owned by a state or the federal government are normally considered to be public property. However, you cannot extract valuable materials – including gold – from that property without staking a claim. Failing to stake a gold claim can result in severe fines and […]