Зөөврийн бутлуур, шигшүүрийн машин

Зөөврийн бутлуур, шигшүүрийн машин Шаварлаг төмрийн хүдэр эсвэл дэгдэмхий үнстэй нүүрс боловсруулах аль нь ч байсан Powerscreen® тоног төхөөрөмж нь бүх нөхцөлд зохицох уян хатан шийдлийг санал болгож …

Excel templates

Explore a vast collection of premium Excel templates made available when you subscribe to Microsoft 365, or check out an expansive selction of free Excel templates. For example, if you need to visualize data over a timeline, consider Excel Gantt chart templates, which are ready and available to be customized with your specific project ...

Excel - Power Automate | Microsoft Docs

Write data from the flow to Excel by using the Write to Excel worksheet action. This action can write any static data or variable to a specified cell, or multiple cells in an Excel worksheet. In the following example, the action writes the above mentioned datatable variable to cell A51. Each cell in the workbook is populated with its ...